Is perception reality?

Mar 13, 2018


Is perception reality? What got me thinking about this topic was a comment on last week's post from my sister, Rita, when she asked, "What is easy?" Last week, I was talking about what are the keys to manifesting your soul purpose, and she was asking, "What is easy?" I apologize if the post wasn't clear, but what I was intending to say is that it's easy to connect to your source, it's easy to practice gratitude, and it's easy to choose BEINGNESS over DOINGNESS. The problem, I said last week, is it's easy not to do those things too, and therein lies the challenge.

When I was in previous customer service roles, we always used to say, "The customer's always right," or in other words, the customer's perception is reality. I'll say the same thing about "what is easy" is whatever you perceive to be easy is easy, and whatever you perceive to not be easy is not easy. So, it's a choice on how you want to perceive things.

Do you want to perceive this old man as how you see him with your physical eyes or how you see him from his soul space - this beautiful little boy? What is your perception of him, and how does that make you treat him? So, easy is a choice, and the Course of Miracles, if you've read it, says that a miracle is actually a change in perception. We have a choice about how we perceive things in the world and how we choose to interpret them for ourselves.

So, if you think something is really hard and you're struggling with it, just remember that you have a choice. You can choose to perceive it as hard or you can choose to perceive it as just another thing that you're experiencing until it is over, and have fun while you're doing it. It's up to you how you want to perceive things that you're confronted with on a daily basis.

I'll leave you this week on this short post with a video link of a cyclist who perceived the world a little bit differently than his competitors, and it made a difference. So, check out that video because it's super fun, have a great week, and we'll talk to you soon.


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