How to Calibrate On the Map of Consciousness

Nov 02, 2018

Welcome back this week. Last December, I did a post titled "What's Your Truth?" In this post, I stated "you may find some things that I present on this blog that are going to challenge your beliefs."

In that same post, concerning the quote by Arthur Schopenhauer of, "All truth passes through three stages. First, it's ridiculed. Second, it's violently opposed. Third, it's accepted as being self-evident." I said, "Just remember this quote as I press forward into this blog when you feel something that I'm presenting that maybe doesn't resonate with you." I'm bringing up this post from last December because the Map of Consciousness, that I presented last week, and the way to calibrate things on the Map of Consciousness, that I'm going to present this week, probably fall into stages one and two of Arthur Schopenhauer's quote here for most people. If it resonates for you at the level of self evident stage three, then great! If not, stick with me, because things are going to get even more interesting in the weeks ahead as I present some new, exciting, and belief challenging material. For these ideas that I'm presenting, let them percolate in your mind, let them be looked at from different vantage points, and if you're still feeling challenged, leave a comment and let's talk about it.

Map of Consciousness Clarifications


Before I get into how we're going to measure or calibrate things on the Map of Consciousness, I want to make one clarification on last week's post. I said, "Your calibration is more like your heartbeat average. Sometimes it's lower and sometimes it's higher." This was a little inaccurate. To clarify, your level on the Map of Consciousness is relatively stable throughout your lifetime based upon thousands of calibrations that were done by Dr. Hawkins throughout his career working with Levels of Consciousness on the Map Of Consciousness. However, it can go up or down, especially if you are pursuing spiritual development and personal development in your lifetime, it can definitely go up.

I also want to be clear about the levels on the Map of Consciousness, because the levels use words that are typically associated with emotions, but they're not really emotions here in this context; they're just level labels. You could be angry, but that doesn't mean your level of consciousness is Anger on the Map of Consciousness. Does that makes sense? 

How do we go about measuring or calibrating people and things on the Map of Consciousness? And by the way, Eckhart Tolle, who wrote The Power Of Now, which I've talked about previously on this blog, also has developed his own Map of Consciousness and it uses the same calibration technique to measure consciousness. So what is this technique? I already mentioned it; it's muscle testing. Have you ever heard of that? To explain what muscle testing is, let's look at how the technique has evolved over the last 50 years. 

Evolution of Muscle Testing

You may actually have encountered muscle testing if you have worked with natural health practitioners because that's where the technique came from. The two gentlemen above were some of the pioneers in the field of muscle testing to calibrate truth.

First in the 1960s, Dr. John Goodheart, who's here on the right in this photo, developed Applied Kinesiology, sometimes referred to as AK. His applied kinesiology was really based upon the principle that "your body doesn't lie". AK or muscle testing assists practitioners to do two things. Number one, discover what's going on in your body. Again, I said this came out of the holistic health field. Number two, determine whether or not a specific prescription for what's going on in your body would be beneficial or not.

Through the technique of muscle testing, if a muscle stays strong, then that prescription is pursued, and if the target muscle goes weak then a different prescription is tested. In reality, in my experience working with practitioners that practice muscle testing, they already know intuitively whether a prescription is going to work for you or not, and they just use muscle testing as a confirmation of what their intuitive sense already is.

Now, after Dr. Goodheart created Applied Kinesiology, the gentleman on the left hand side of the photo above, psychiatrist Dr. John Diamond, developed the field of what's called Behavioral Kinesiology or BK. BK essentially looks at the positive and negative effects on the body of various environmental factors, such as images, paintings, music, games and even materials and lighting. For example, he found that classical music makes people's muscles go strong while a rap music, which is the rage today, makes everyone's muscles go weak. So I'm not sure why you would listen to a rap music! In summary, Behavioral Kinesiology implies that everything we interact with in our environment either strengthens or weakens our muscles, in other words our life energy.

Dr. Hawkins Discovery

Now back to Dr. Hawkins and the Map of Consciousness. Around the same time as Dr. Goodheart and Dr. Diamond were creating AB and BK respectively, doctor David Hawkins was studying the things that these gentlemen were developing in AK and BK, and he noticed something interesting with people that were doing in depth spiritual development work. Contrary to what BK indicated, these people that were spiritually developing themselves did not go weak in the presence of fluorescent lights. From this finding, Dr. Hawkins deduced that as people developed themselves spiritually, i.e. raising their level of consciousness, they must become stronger. This finding planted in him the idea of the Map of Consciousness and then, after many years of muscle testing thousands of people, he developed and published the Map of Consciousness based upon his findings.

All right, so that's the background of muscle testing. There are a number of details to be learned to master the muscle testier, but here are some of the basics.

  1. Muscle testing can be done by one person on another person, as you're seeing on this photo here, or it can be done by yourself. You can actually test your own muscles.
  2. The way that you would do it to determine whether something's true or false, or good for you or not good for you is through the use a statement, not a question. For example, I might say, "I am male," or, "My name is Peter."
  3. Next you test the strength of the target muscle relative to that statement. In the case of my example here, my target test muscle would stay strong because "I am male" and "My name is Peter" are true statements. If I said, "My name is Kathy," my muscles would go weak.

So, to calibrate a person or thing on the Map of Consciousness, all you need to do is muscle test multiple statements regarding that person's or thing's level of consciousness until you find the exact number. For example:

  1. PERSON/THING is at/above 200 on the MOC. = TRUE
  2. PERSON/THING is at/above  300 on the MOC. = FALSE
  3. PERSON/THING is at/above  250 on the MOC. = TRUE
  4. PERSON/THING is at/above  260 on the MOC. = FALSE
  5. PERSON/THING is at/above  255 on the MOC. = TRUE
  6. PERSON/THING is at/above  256 on the MOC. = FALSE

In the decades of research on the topic, Dr. Hawkins calibrated thousands of people and things which he chronicled in his book Truth vs Falsehood. That's another interesting, long read if you're up for it.

All right, now I understand at this point some of you may be very skeptical like me when I first learned of muscle testing. I had questions about things like, "Wait a minute. How and why does muscle testing work?" If you're thinking those things, then stick around, because I am going delve into those questions of how and why muscle testing actually works in next week's blog post. In the meantime, have a great week.


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